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Jimmy C.

'Joe's Kid' was the first portrait from Jimmy C in London in 2015. 

The artwork is on the wall of a cafe. And it is a rendition of a portrait of the owner of the cafe, when she was three-years-old with her grandfather Joe, who owned a cafe in London’s East End during the 1930s. Now the girl in the portrait carries on the tradition with her cafe, aptly named Joe’s Kid. 

James Cochran, aka Jimmy C, is originally from Australia where he played a key role in the development of the underground graffiti movement during the early 1990's.

Jimmy C. developed his own signature style: the aerosol pointillist. It is a combination of both his interests, graffiti and oil painting.

His works are painted entirely from dots and dashes of spray paint. This technique developed into what he called the 'drip paintings' and the 'scribble paintings'.

As artist Gregory Simpson said, :"The easiest way to get attention on the graffiti scene is to paint someone famous, but Jimmy C. started by painting all his homeless friends and that's how he got noticed. Then he went on to paint a lot of famous people later, like David Bowie, and when Bowie died this year, Jimmy's artwork was the most covered piece of work in London."

He has a Masters degree in Visual Arts at the University of South Australia with an interest in urban realist and figurative oil painting. He now lives in London.
